Thursday, January 19, 2023

Extreme Switch - How to configure NTP and SNTP in EXOS

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a widely used method for synchronizing time across devices on a network. Here are two methods for configuring time synchronization on an EXOS switch.

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

The feature of NTP was added to EXOS in version 12.7. From version 12.7 to 15.4, an additional component called NTP XMOD was needed to configure and use the feature. However, starting from EXOS version 15.5, NTP is already included in the standard EXOS image, so there is no need for the NTP XMOD component.

Step 1. Configure the following commands

configure ntp server add vr VR-Default
configure ntp server add vr VR-Default
enable ntp vr VR-Default
enable ntp vlan v100

  • Command syntax
configure ntp [server | peer] add [ip_address | host_name] {key keyid} {option [burst | initial-burst]} 
{{vr} vr_name}

If no VR is specified, VR-Default will be used by default.

Step 2. Check NTP association with NTP servers

EXOS# show ntp association
VR Name               Remote                    Reference ID    St Poll Reach Delay   Offset   Disp
===================== ========================= =============== == ==== ===== ======= ======== =======
VR-Default            *!         .GOOG.          1  1024 377   0.05095 -0.00021 0.12369
VR-Default            .! 4  1024 377   0.01360 +0.00061 0.13824

St(ratum)   : Distance from the reference clock
Disp(ersion): Maximum offset error of clock
Flags       : (*) System Peer, (.) Candidate, (#) Short List, (!) Configured

Step 3. Check current time

Check the current time with the following command.

EXOS # show time
Thu Jan 19 19:37:07 PST(UTC-480) 2023

SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol)

SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) and NTP (Network Time Protocol) are both used for synchronizing time across devices on a network. NTP is a more robust and accurate protocol, while SNTP is a simplified version that is less accurate but also less resource-intensive. SNTP is typically used for devices with limited processing power, while NTP is used for more critical systems that require precise time synchronization.

Step 1. Configure the following commands

configure sntp-client primary vr VR-Default
configure sntp-client secondary vr VR-Default
configure sntp-client broadcast vr VR-Default

Please change the server name or IP address if you have preferred hosts.

  • Command syntax
configure sntp-client [primary | secondary] host-name-or-ip {vr vr_name}

Queries are first sent to the primary server. If the primary server does not respond within 1 second, or if it is not synchronized, the switch queries the second server. If the switch cannot obtain the time, it restarts the query process. Otherwise, the switch waits for the sntp-client update-interval before querying again.

(Optional) Configure the update interval

Change the update interval with the following command if required.

EXOS # configure sntp-client update-interval ?
  <update-interval>  update interval in seconds [16-16284]. (Default 64)

The following example configures a primary NTP server:

configure sntp-client primary

The following example configures the primary NTP server to use the management virtual router VR- Mgmt:

configure sntp-client primary vr VR-Mgmt

Step 2. Check SNTP validation with NTP servers

EXOS# show sntp-client
SNTP client is enabled
SNTP time is valid
Primary  VR-Default
Secondary  VR-Default
Broadcasts: VR-Default
Query interval:64
Last valid SNTP update: From, on Thu Jan 19 19:42:38 2023

SNTPC Statistics:
 Packets transmitted:
  to primary server:            1
  to secondary server:          0
 Packets received with valid time:
  from Primary server:          1
  from Secondary server:        0
  from Broadcast server:        0
 Packets received without valid time:
  from Primary server:          0
  from Secondary server:        0
  from Broadcast server:        0
 Replies not received to requests:
  from Primary server:          0
  from Secondary server:        0

Step 3. Check current time

Check the current time with the following command.

EXOS # show time
Thu Jan 19 19:37:07 PST(UTC-480) 2023

You may use the ‘show switch’ command to check the current time.

EXOS# show switch

SysName:          X440G2-12p-10G4
SysLocation:      Address
SysContact:       [email protected], +1 888 257 3000
System MAC:       00:04:96:9A:12:XX
System Type:      X440G2-12p-10G4

SysHealth check:  Enabled (Normal)
Recovery Mode:    All
System Watchdog:  Enabled

Current Time:     Thu Jan 19 19:45:53 2023
Timezone:         [Auto DST Enabled] GMT Offset: -480 minutes, name is PST.
                  DST of 60 minutes is currently not in effect, name is not set.
                  DST begins every second Sunday March at 2:00
                  DST ends every first Sunday November at 2:00

Is it possible to configure NTP and SNTP simultaneously in EXOS?

No. It is not possible to configure both SNTP and NTP simultaneously on a device. To enable NTP or switch to using the device as an NTP server, it may be necessary to first disable SNTP.

EXOS# enable ntp
EXOS# enable sntp-client
Error: NTP is already enabled. To use SNTP, please disable NTP at first and then enable SNTP.

EXOS# enable sntp-client
EXOS# enable ntp
Error: SNTP is already enabled. To use NTP, please disable SNTP at first and then enable NTP.


Q A: How to Configure NTP on EXOS switch? | Extreme Portal



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