Saturday, February 10, 2018

Extreme Switch - How to upgrade the EXOS

Before you proceed with the upgrade, ensure to always backup the configuration. Please refer to the following link on how to backup configuration in EXOS.

  • Software upgrade procedure:

Step 1. Decide what version you want to upgrade.

The following link provides recommended EXOS and Switch Engine releases for each hardware platform.

▶ ExtremeXOS and Switch Engine Release Recommendations

Step 2. Download the appropriate EXOS image.

Follow the steps in the article link below

Image File Names: You can identify the appropriate image or module for your platform based on the file name prefix of the image.
You can determine the appropriate image for your switch by navigating to the Extreme Portal, and then navigating to Products > ExtremeSwitching > (Select Model), where you will only be shown downloads for the selected model.

Step 3. Place the EXOS image on a TFTP server. 

Step 4. Ensure that you are able to ping the TFTP server from the switch from the appropriate virtual router. 

At least one of ping vr vr-Mgmt or ping vr vr-Default operations must successfully reach your TFTP server before you can proceed. After verifying the TFTP server is reachable, specify that VR when you download the image in the next step.

exos_switch.1 # ping vr vr-mgmt
Ping(ICMP) 4 packets, 8 data bytes, interval 1 second(s).
16 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=6.315 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.620 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=2.641 ms
16 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=2.306 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 2/3/6 ms

Step 5. Type the command download image.

Reboot the system for the upgrade to take effect: Type reboot, then when asked if you want to reboot the switch now, type yes.

exos_switch.1 # download image summitX- vr vr-mgmt
Note: The inactive partition (secondary) will be used for installation.
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no, - cancel) Yes

Downloading to Switch.................................................................................................................................................................................
Installing to secondary partition!

Installing to Switch.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Image installed successfully
This image will be used only after rebooting the switch!

Step 6 (Optional). You may check the image version by 'show switch.' 

In the below example, EXOS image is installed in the Secondary Partition and selected for the next reboot.

exos_switch.2 # show switch

SysName:          exos_switch
SysContact:       [email protected], +1 888 257 3000
System MAC:       00:04:96:XX:YY:ZZ
System Type:      X460G2-48p-10G4

SysHealth check:  Enabled (Normal)
Recovery Mode:    All
System Watchdog:  Enabled

Current Time:     Thu Apr  4 17:50:41 2019
Timezone:         [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is UTC.
Boot Time:        Sun Mar 17 03:21:23 2019
Boot Count:       2
Next Reboot:      None scheduled
System UpTime:    18 days 14 hours 29 minutes 17 seconds

Current State:    OPERATIONAL
Image Selected:   secondary
Image Booted:     primary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected:  primary.cfg
Config Booted:    primary.cfg

primary.cfg       Created by ExtremeXOS version
                  333123 bytes saved on Wed Apr  3 00:37:39 2019

(Optional) You should be able to see the full image name by 'show version images' as below.

exos_switch1.3 # show version images
Card  Partition     Installation Date        Version     Name      Branch
Switch primary   Mon Jan 30 16:24:40 UTC 2017 summitX-
Switch secondary Thu Apr 4 17:43:09 UTC 2019 summitX-

exos_switch.2 # reboot
Are you sure you want to reboot the switch? (y/N) Yes

4. After rebooting the switch, type the command 'show version' and check the upgrade version. 

exos_switch.1 # show version
Switch      : 800552-00-09 1633N-12345 Rev 09 BootROM:    IMG:
PSU-1       : Internal PSU-1 800562-00-08 1637A-12345 Rev 08
PSU-2       : Internal PSU-2   Rev

Image   : ExtremeXOS version by release-manager
          on Wed Jan 9 08:33:49 EST 2019
BootROM :
Diagnostics : 5.12
Certified Version : EXOS Linux  3.18.48, FIPS fips-ecp-2.0.16

  • Additional notes
If upgrading a BlackDiamond chassis with two MSMs, then follow the steps above only on the Master MSM – after which it will automatically synchronize with the Backup.
It is unnecessary to specify the partition on which to load the new image, because by default it will be downloaded and installed on the non-active partition.
If XMODs are utilized in your environment, then install them prior to rebooting.
Upgrading via ScreenPlay is not currently supported in EXOS and must be done through the CLI.

By default, TFTP is used to transfer the EXOS image. The image can also be transferred via SCP or via USB (if the switch has a USB port). See the articles linked below for further details:

  • Helpful articles on Hardware and Software

  • Helpful articles on Upgrades

  • Helpful articles on Troubleshooting

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