Saturday, February 3, 2018

Extreme Switch - How to backup/restore configuration in EXOS

How to backup/save the configuration on Extreme EXOS to a TFTP server

There are two possible methods for this. The first method involves generating an XOS Scripting File (.xsf) from the configuration. The second method will upload the actual configuration file (.cfg), in XML format, from the switch.

  • Method 1: Create a .xsf script from the current config

▶ Configuration Backup

On the switch, use the upload config command to upload an EXOS CLI script to a TFTP server and ensure the Virtual Router (VR) is specified. This script will be the same as the output of show config. In this example, the script is called config.xsf. However, the filename does not matter, as long as the extension is .xsf.

X460G2-24p-G4.6 # upload config config.xsf vr vr-mgmt
Uploading config.xsf to ... done!

▶ Configuration Restoration

1. To restore the config from this backup, use the tftp get command to download the script.

X460G2-24p-G4.7 # tftp get vr vr-mgmt config.xsf
Downloading config.xsf to switch... done!

2. Run the script with the load script command.

X460G2-24p-G4.8 # load script config

Note: Loading an .xsf script on a switch with non-default configuration may lead to command conflicts. When restoring a backup configuration using an .xsf file it is usually best to clear the switch configuration and load the script on top of the default configuration.
Extreme Switch - Reset to factory default

  • Method 2: Upload the .cfg configuration file

▶ Configuration Backup

1. Use the show switch command to see what the currently selected configuration file is.

X460G2-24p-G4.8 # show switch

SysName: X460G2-24p-G4
SysContact: [email protected], +1 888 257 3000

System MAC: 00:04:96:98:8D:48
System Type: X460G2-24p-G4

SysHealth check: Enabled (Normal)
Recovery Mode: All
System Watchdog: Enabled

Current Time: Thu Aug 13 21:09:50 2015
Timezone: [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is UTC.
Boot Time: Tue Aug 11 20:32:30 2015
Boot Count: 77
Next Reboot: None scheduled
System UpTime: 2 days 37 minutes 19 seconds

Current State: OPERATIONAL
Image Selected: secondary
Image Booted: secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected: primary.cfg
Config Booted: primary.cfg

primary.cfg Created by ExtremeXOS version
270945 bytes saved on Tue Aug 11 20:31:53 2015

2. Upload that file to a TFTP server with the tftp put command.

X460G2-24p-G4.9 # tftp put vr vr-mgmt primary.cfg
Uploading primary.cfg to ... done!

▶ Configuration Restoration

1. To restore the config, download the config file with the tftp get command.

X460G2-24p-G4.10 # tftp get vr vr-mgmt primary.cfg
/usr/local/cfg/primary.cfg already exists, do you want to overwrite it? (y/N) Yes
Downloading primary.cfg to switch..... done!

2. Select this file to be used as the config on the next reboot.

X460G2-24p-G4.11 # use config primary
The selected configuration will take effect after the next switch reboot.

3. Reboot the switch to boot to the new config file. 
When prompted, DO NOT save the config. Saving the config at this point will overwrite the newly selected config file.

X460G2-24p-G4.12 # reboot
Do you want to save configuration changes to currently selected configuration
file (primary.cfg) and reboot?
(y - save and reboot, n - reboot without save, - cancel command) No 

▶ Additional notes

Method 1 will save the configuration file in and .xsf file in a readable ASCII text format while method 2 saves it in the XML format used by the switch.
By default, the tftp and upload config commands use VR-Mgmt. If needed, another VR can be specified in the command, as shown below for VR-Default.

X460G2-24p-G4.15 # tftp get vr VR-Default primary.cfg
/usr/local/cfg/primary.cfg already exists, do you want to overwrite it? (y/N) Yes
Downloading primary.cfg to switch..... done!

X460G2-24p-G4.16 # upload config config.xsf vr VR-Default
Uploading config.xsf to ... done! 

An IP address must first be configured on the switch and the TFTP server must be reachable before using TFTP to download files. 

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